
It is quite common that a single floor covers very large area, e.g. over 1km, in big venues such as

  • Airport terminals
  • Train stations
  • Subway stations and tunnels between them
  • Conference venues

In such case, it is not recommended to use a single large floor plan image to cover the whole floor. Using very large floor plans slows down deployment workflow because, for example, visualization of analytics, map generations, etc are handled based on floor plans. If you use the same floor plan images for visualization in your app, your application may also use too much memory and even crash.

In your IndoorAtlas-powered application, you can use different floor plan images or another visualization library: in that case you would be just using the lat, lon, and floorNumber from IndoorAtlas SDK, and thus the number of floor plans is not seen by your application.

Recommended Solution

Instead, use multiple images per floor level and let IndoorAtlas SDK handle the transition between the images smoothly. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Create multiple images for the floor, so that each covers maximum 500m x 500m. 
    • The images should overlap by approximately 10m, so that the fingerprints of the images will overlap as well. 
    • If possible, consider splitting at corridors rather than at wide open areas. This makes fingerprinting easier.
  2. Align each image accurately on the world map using IndoorAtlas  Web application. 

Note that when using overlapping images, you will see a warning in the web app. This warning can be ignored, as it's purpose is to notify users about mistakenly placing multiple copies of the same floor plan.